This page describes the procedure for posting Construction and Architect/ Engineering projects on They are listed at

Prepare the Documents

  1. Gather all of the documents used for the bid. Put them on the shared drive under the correct campus.
  2. Documents added to the website must be less than 32MB. If your documents are more than 32MB, you can break up long documents into sections so they are less than 32MB or upload them to Sharepoint (see instructions below).
  3. Make sure the name of all of the documents are human readable as they should display on the website.

Upload the Documents to the Website

  1. Log into the website for editing. Navigate to Collections > Documents > Categories.
  2. Click the Add New button at the top of the page and create a category for the bid.
  3. Click on Collection > Documents > Files.
  4. Click the Bulk Upload button.
  5. Choose the category you just created.
  6. Choose the Select Files button, and choose the files that you want to post with the bid from the shared drive.

Create the Form to Display Documents

  1. From the Dashboard, navigate to Collections > Forms.
  2. Hover over the Construction Opportunities Template and choose Duplicate. Note the ID of your new form.
  3. Edit the form settings of the copy you just created and set the title to be the name of the project.
  4. From the Form Settings page, choose "Confirmations" on the left. This is the text that appears after the form has been submitted. Edit the default confirmation and update the Filebase shortcode, [wpfilebase tag=list id=49 pagenav=1 /], with the correct category ID, or use the insert file button:
    1. Put your cursor where you'd like the documents to go.
    2. Click the Site Files button in the toolbar (it looks like a stack of papers).
    3. Choose "File List" on the left side of the pop-up.
    4. Select the category you just created.
    5. Click Insert.
    6. You should see something like [wpfilebase tag=list id=36 pagenav=1 /]
    7. Copy this shortcode to use for the Notification.
  5. Save the confirmation.
  6. Choose "Notifications" on the left. Edit the "Files" notification. This is the email that is sent to the submitter. In the Subject, add the project title. In the body of the email, paste the shortcode you copied above. Save the notification.

Add the Project to the Design & Construction Opportunity Page

  1. Navigate to the page and choose the Make Live Draft button in the black header.
  2. Add a new tab/accordion module in the middle column.
  3. Put the title of the project in the "Menu Title" field.
  4. Choose the Accordion radio button and the Simple Style checkbox.
  5. Click the Add new item button, and title it Project Overview. Add the project overview table to the content (see below for a template).
  6. Click the Add new item button, and title it Project Documents. Copy the following shortcode into the content. Update the ID to the one noted when you created the form. [gravityform id="X" title="false" description="true" ajax="true"]
  7. Save the module.
  8. Click and drag the module to be under the correct heading.
  9. Preview the changes to the page.
  10. If you are satisfied, publish the live draft.
  11. Addenda and Planholders lists can be added as additional items as necessary.

Add a Post When a New Bid or Addendum is Posted

  1. Log in to edit the website and navigate to Content > Posts.
  2. Hover over a similar post to the one you are posting, and choose Clone.
  3. Update the title and the text of the post to reflect the information you need.
  4. Publish the post. It will automatically appear on the Recent Updates list on the Construction page.

Upload Large Documents to Sharepoint

If you have documents that are greater than 32MB, you need to upload them to Sharepoint.

  1. Log into the UWSA Secure Collaboration site then navigate to the Design & Construction Opportunities folder.
  2. Click New and choose the documents you want to upload.
  3. Click on the ellipsis next to the document you uploaded and choose "Share."

  4. From the Share menu, choose "Anyone" from the dropdown and uncheck "Allow Editing."
  5. Click the Copy Link Button. Save this link to use in the next step.
  6. Now, log into Zuse and navigate to the live draft you have created.
  7. Edit the module you'd like to add the documents to.
  8. Under the main document list, type the name of the document you are linking to. Highlight this text and click the link button in the toolbar.
  9. Copy and paste the URL from Sharepoint into the link.
  10. Click the gear to edit the link settings. Check the box next to "Open in a new tab."
  11. Save the module.

Note: Files on the secure collaboration Shrepoint site expire after 30 days. Set up a reminder on your calendar. If the documents need to be posted for longer, you will need to re-upload the documents to Sharepoint (steps 1-5) then update the link in your document collection.

Remove a Project

  1. Log into the website for editing.
  2. Navigate to the page and choose the Edit Page button in the black header.
  3. Click the Gear icon on the top right of module of the project that you want to remove.
  4. Click the "Disable Module" button.
  5. Delete the documents associated with the project from the web server. If you skip this step, the documents will still be accessible via Google. 
    1. Navigate to Collections > Documents > Categories.
    2. Click the number under the "Files" column of the category associated with the project. (eg 5/5).
    3. Click the checkbox at the top of the table to select all of the documents.
    4. Using the Bulk Actions dropdown, select Delete.
    5. Click the Apply button.

Posting Templates

Example Construction Bid

Project ID:A-16-004
Project Name:School of Business Learning Commons
Location:975 University Ave.
Madison, WI
Construction Estimate:$6,719,000
MEP Bid Date:July 18, 2017
GCP Bid DateAugust 1, 2017

Project Documents

[gravityform id="XXXX" title="false" description="false"]

Example Architect Bid

Project ID:A-17-007
Project Name:SMPH Space and Programmatic Evaluation study
Location:Madison, WI
Project Estimate:$750,000
Submittal Due Date:September 27, 2017

Project Documents

[gravityform id="XXX" title="false" description="false"]