Event List Shortcode
Displays a list of upcoming events (from your Events Calendar) on any page. List options include:
- Dynamic list of upcoming events. Filterable by:
- Maximum number of events
- Event categories
- Event tags
- Date Range
- Manual list of specific events, in the order you specify
Display options include:
- List Title (optional)
- List Title Color (grey, black, red)
- Background color (grey or white/none)
- Event Link Text
Usage / Examples
[eventlist] (default output)
Lists the next (up to) 3 upcoming events from your site's Events Calendar.
[eventlist max=5]
Lists the next (up to) 5 upcoming events from your site's Events Calendar.
[eventlist max=5 cats="meetings,conferences"] (default output)
Lists the next (up to) 5 upcoming events - within either the "meetings" or "conferences" categories - from your site's Events Calendar.
[eventlist type=manual events=142,102,105]
Lists the events with event IDs 142, 102, and 105 from your site's Events Calendar, in that order.
All Shortcode Options
The heading for the events list. Default is 'Upcoming Events'. To omit the title, use title=''.
the type of events list to display. Options are dynamic (default) or manual.
the maximum number of events to display. Default is 3.
Category filter. Only display events in the categories listed. Use commas to separate values.
Tag filter. Only display events tagged with the terms listed. Use commas to separate values.
The order events will be displayed in (for dynamic lists). Options are 'ASC' (events listed nearest to furthest-away) or 'DESC' (furthest-away events listed first). Default is 'ASC'.
The number of days (from today) to include events from. For example, to only include events occurring in the next 6 months, use days=180.
No default value - by default the event list will return the max number of upcoming events regardless of how far in the future they are.
The text to display for the link to each event's full page in the Events Calendar. Default is "More".
Background color options (CSS class) for the events list. Options are 'grey-bg' (default) and 'no-bg'.
Title color options (CSS classes) for the Title text. Options are 'grey' (default), 'red', and 'black'.