UWHELP Emails contacts with warning that they won’t be able to edit the site from 1/16-2/10
Morning: Do export
Change campus users access to ‘Subscriber’ on Live site.
Copy Production Database from Live to f-rewrite
Export Precollege Programs Precollege Import and Export
Make sure to include register_link and dates column
Wrap text and set height of items
Give to UWHELP and they will distribute to campuses for updates.
UWHELP receives spreadsheets back. They will clean it up and deliver it to the web team.
Web team imports spreadsheet:
Migrate database from Production to Test.
Migrate new code to Test site.
Activate “Really Simple CSV Importer” plugin
Setup New Features
Add Search code Setup Precollege Search in Header
Sync ACF Field Groups
Add buttons (Fine Arts + Culture, Academics, Athletics + Recreation)
Add new logo
Take a backup of the DB in Pantheon.
Import spreadsheet. (https://uwsaois.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/HELP/pages/762249273/Precollege+Import+and+Export#Import-the-Updated-Spreadsheet).
Spot check campus taxonomies, publish status, etc.
If this fails for any reason, restore the DB, fix the spreadsheet, and import again.
Let Nichole know import is complete so they can check import and upload images.
Go Live
Move code and database from Test to Production.
Change all users who are currently ‘subscribers’ to ‘campus editors.’
Content Notes
Summary / Content: The program description should be less than about 1000 characters or 150 words.
Images: Images should be landscape, and less than 1200 pixels wide. Ideally, images should be 400px wide.
Campus: Only one campus per record. If multiple campuses have the same program, you should create different columns in the spreadsheet for each campus.
Subject: Only one subject should be selected.
General notes on updating the spreadsheet:
Do not edit the “id” column. For a new program, leave ID blank.
If a program should have multiple grades, use a ',' between them.
Items removed from the spreadsheet will not be updated. If you want to remove program, change the status to “trash.”