Precollege Import and Export
Export existing programs
Navigate to Tools > CSV/XLS Export
Set the settings as follows:
Also include “register_link” and “dates” in export.
Click the “Save Settings” button.
Choose “Export to CSV”.
The spreadsheet may need to be cleaned up a little.
Add the image column.
Edit the Exported Spreadsheet
You can open the CSV in Excel.
Do not edit the “id” column. For a new program, leave ID blank.
If you want to remove program, change the status to “trash.”
If a program should have multiple grades, use a ',' between them.
Programs should have only one campus.
Import the Updated Spreadsheet
Remove the ‘Image’ column
Add a post_type column with the value precollege_program for each row.
Update the id column to “post_id”
Add “tax_” in front of the program_subjects, program_grades and program_campus columns.
Make sure “post_status” column is in all lowercase.
Save the file in the correct format using Office Libre then Import into WordPress. See here: Transfer Agreement Post Type
Do the import as described on the Transfer Agreement page, but don’t delete the existing Programs from the database first.