Fall Workshop Registration
Workshop Record
The first thing to do to update the Fall Workshops Workshops & Events Record.
Do not create a new record, because the ID (3621) is used for the workshop export page.
Add Session information in the Workshop & Event Details metabox.
When record is published, the workshops will show up on the Calendar on the site.
Registration Form
The registration form is created in Gravity Forms. It is called “Workshop Registration” and has ID 4. The same form needs to be used every year because the code uses the ID 4 to implement the custom functionality. The sessions are pulled in automatically. The Events in the past and events that have reached capacity (as noted in the workshop record) will not display.
Registration Page
The form is embedded on Workshop Registration page. Uwhelp.wisconsin.edu/wp-admin/post.php?post=1722&action=edit
A link to this page is added to the fall Workshops page: uwhelp.wisconsin.edu/counselors/fall-workshops/
The code for a button is: <a class="button btn-blue" href="++URL HERE++" >++TEXT HERE++</a>
Confirmation & Notification
Confirmation are what happens on the page after the form is submitted. This redirects to the Thank you For Registering page. (Uwhelp.wisconsin.edu/?page_id=1724) Make sure this page is published before opening registration. This page is generated by the [uwh-workshop-details] shortcode using information from the workshop record.
Notifications are emails generated after the form is submitted. There are two:
Admin Notification: This sends a list of the fields submitted to someone at UWHELP as an FYI.
Registration Confirmation: is sent to the email submitted in the Email field of the form. It is generated based on the code and the session information in the workshop record.
'<p>Dear '.$entry['1.3'].',</p><p>Thank you for registering to attend the UW System Fall Workshop hosted by '.$session['location_name'].'. We are delighted you will join us. Here are the workshop details:</p><p><strong>Workshop Date: </strong> '.$session['date'].'</p><p><strong>Workshop Location: </strong>'.$session['location']['address'].'</p><p><strong>Map and Directions: </strong><a href="https://www.google.com/maps/dir/?api=1&destination='.urlencode($session['location']['address']).'">Google maps</a></p><p><strong>Parking Information: </strong> '.$session['parking'].'<p><strong>Additional Details:</strong></p>'.$notes.'<p>Sincerely,<br />UW HELP team</p>';
Download Registrations
From Admin
Workshop registrations can be download from the left side menu: Workshops & Events > Export Registrations.
From Front of Site
The Download Workshop Registrations page, uwhelp.wisconsin.edu/wp-admin/post.php?post=3725&action=edit, allows people to log into the front of the site and download workshop registrations.
There are users created for each campus. A UWHELP admin would have to set their password for them.
When the above page is published, upon visiting that page (uwhelp.wisconsin.edu/counselors/fall-workshops/download-workshop-registrations), the user is prompted to log in. Then they can view and download workshop registration data.
A user doesn’t need a special role to be able to do this, any user registered in the system can do this if they have the right URL. The workshops are not filtered based on location, any user can download information from all of the sites.