Export Column Explanation

Export Column Explanation


Do not edit this column. If you are creating a new program, leave this column blank.

Do not delete rows. If you want to remove a program, change the post_status column to ‘trash.’

post_content (required)

This is the program description. The program description should be less than about 1000 characters or 150 words.

post_title (required)

This is the title of the program. It will display on the top of the program page and in the program list.

post_status (required)

Choose from the following options:

‘publish’: this program is displayed on the site.

‘draft’: this program is not displayed but we will use it in the future.

‘trash’: remove this program.

program_campus (required)

Name of the campus. Only one campus per record. If multiple campuses have the same program, create different columns in the spreadsheet for each campus.


Program subject. Choose a single subject.

program_grades (required)

Grades should have commas between them. Choose from:


program_website (required)

URL of the webpage describing this program.


Name of the contact person.


Enter a phone number. Numbers should be formatted like (xxx) xxx-xxxx


Contact email


URL of the direct register link for this program.


Dates of the program. This is free text, but it should be less than 50 characters.

For example: July 11, 2020-July 16, 2020


True if an image is being provided for the program.

Images should be landscape, and less than 1200 pixels wide. Ideally, images should be 400px wide. Images must be less than 1000 KB, and ideally less than 500KB.

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