The Twitter Widget shortcode (uwsa_twitter) allows you to add a Twitter Widget to your page.Zuse also has a Twitter module available, but this module uses the twitter API and requires that you log in as the user of the Twitter feed you want to embed and generate keys. This Twitter widget shortcode allows you to embed any public Twitter timeline.
This shortcode is not enabled by default. It must be enabled by an admin on each community site that will use it.
Required Attributes
This is the Widget ID. You must log into Twitter and generate a Twitter Widget to get this ID. Use the Light theme and use #990033 as the Link Color.
Look at the HTML generated by Twitter, and copy the data-widget-id attribute into the id attribute of the uwsa_twitter shortcode.
This is the username of the twitter user. It is used for the backup link in the case that the widget timeline is not generated on the page correctly.
Optional Attributes
Number of tweets to display.
Default: 3
Control if the border displays.
Default: no border
Control if the header, "Tweets," displays.
Default: no header
Control if the Tweet Reply footer displays.
Default: no footer
Control if the scrollbar displays.
Default: no scrollbar
[uwsa_twitter id="661623045329707009" username="UWFlexOption" /]
[uwsa_twitter border="true" header="true" scrollbar="true" footer="true" tweetlimit="7" id="661623045329707009" username="UWFlexOption" /]