Author FAQ

What is the difference between an author and an editor?

Authors have access to fewer features in Zuse. Authors are responsible for writing content. The content they write is then submitted to a site editor for review. The editors ensure the new content is consistent with website, departmental, University Relations, system-wide, and federal policies that apply to your content. Editors can also provide authors with templates and content blocks that can be combined with your content pages to create pages consistent with the rest of the look-and-feel of your community site.

I can't make a template. Why?

Making templates uses Zuse Create, which authors are not trained to do. If you need a template, work with your editor to get one made.

As an author, why am I limited in what I can do?

Authors can't publish or update pages or use Zuse Create. This allows you to focus on writing the content of the page, and enforces a writer - editor workflow.

I've finished writing and creating my web site information. What should I do now?

Make sure your editor is set up to get notifications, and then set the status of the page to in review to alert your editor that you are ready for them to publish the page. Work with your editor to learn about any department-specific workflows you have between editors and authors.

Why can't I change information on the side bar of my site, the menus, or other parts of the page?

These are tasks that are reserved for Editors. If you need these things changed, please work with your editors.