Impact Section
Showcase your program’s impact with an Impact Section block.
The Impact Block is a set of sub-blocks. On full-width screens, the blocks are displayed 3 across, although a few blocks span more than one space.
Editing the Impact Section
Add items by using the blue Add Item button, or use the + button to insert an item in the middle of the section.
Items can be re-arranged by dragging and dropping the headers.
Impact Items
Text with Link
Promote a page with the Text With Link Item.
Include a quote and photo with a Testimonial.
Large Stat
The Background Image is optional. Use a transparent PNG for the best effect.
Small Stat
It is possible to include only one stat, which will cause the item to be shorter.
The ‘Stat’ should not be more than a few characters.
Success Story
Choose a success story to add to your section.
The success story item displays in the width of two normal items.
The background image is the featured image from the chosen success story. The headline and excerpt are also pulled from the story.
News Story
The News Story item will display the latest News story, optionally filtered by tag.
Blog Post
The Blog Post Item will display the latest Blog Post, optionally filtered by tag.
The Feature Image of the blog post is displayed.
Manual Blog Post
Use the Manual Blog Post item to display a link to an external blog post. It looks just like the normal blog post item, but the content is not automatically pulled in.
Image and Text
The Image and text block is the width of two normal items and the height of two normal items. It works well to put a single small stat as one of the items next to an Image and Text block.
Note: The Image and Text block should always be the first block. If you want to add it to span the second and third columns, we will need to do some development.
Display a list of items. For example, accomplishments.
Embed a Blubrry player.
You can technially embed any URL, but the display is only sized for Blubrry.