office_staff Shortcode

office_staff Shortcode

To display the staff members of an office, you must use the "office_staff" shortcode.

'posts_per_page' => -1,
'orderby' => 'title',
'order' => 'ASC',
'office_id' => false,
'exclude_leadership' => false,
'exclude_staff' => false,
'pictures' => false,
'responsibilities' => false,
'style' => 'small',
'include_groups' => '',
'exclude_groups' => '',
'p' => '',
'post__in' => "");

'posts_per_page' = limit results to a certain number. There is no pagination built-in right now, so you will only get the top x results. -1 for all results.
'orderby' = The field to order by. Limited to post fields, no post_meta fields
'order' = 'ASC' or 'DESC',
'office_id' = limit to one office by entering an office ID. False, 0 , or "" for all offices
'exclude_leadership' = Set to true to exclude leadership from the list
'exclude_staff' = Set to true to exclude leadership from the list
'pictures' = Set to true to show pictures (if shown on the display style chosen)
'responsibilities' = Set to true to show responsibilities (if shown on the display style chosen)
'style' = Display style. Options are 'small', 'large', 'details', or 'list'

A custom taxonomy 'groups' is available for the office staff post type. You may assign staff to groups, then use those groups to include or exclude staff from your list. For example, you could create a part-time-employee group, then display the office list twice; once excluding the part-time-employee group (to list the full-time-employees), then again including only the part-time-employee group (to list only the part-time employees). Note that these are filters, and will only narrow your search, they will not broaden it. 

'include_groups' = One or more groups slugs separated by spaces
'exclude_groups' = One or more groups slugs separated by spaces
'p' = If you only want to display one staff member, you can provide their post id
'post__in' = If you want to display more than one specific staff members, you can provide their post ids separated by spaces

[office_staff posts_per_page=4 orderby='title' order='ASC' office_id='1950' exclude_leadership=true exclude_staff=false pictures=0 responsibilities=0 style="small" include_groups='' exclude_groups='restructuring cits-something' p='' ]

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