Displaying Rosters
Please display rosters using the following conventions. They have been designed with accessibility and mobile views in mind. In addition, information will be displayed consistently throughout the site.
Rosters with No Pictures
Use a table or the map module to display rosters that don't include pictures. You can style the table to include header formatting.
Example: Grant Accountants
Example:Media Liaisons
This example includes a way to list more than one person for each campus with split cells.
Rosters with Pictures
For a roster with pictures, use Zuse Create to create a grid and use the Image Roster to display your information.
- Optionally, use the title and subtitle for the representatives name and/or campus.
- Using a new Zuse Create row for each row of pictures (see screenshot of example below).
- Images should all be a consistent aspect ratio. Do not use the Thumbnail option, as it often cuts off the tops of people's heads. Follow instructions here to re-size images.
- Please ask the Web Team if you need help setting this up.
Remove an Image from a Roster Module
If you need to remove an image from a module, choose the "No Image" option and save the module. If the "No Image" option does not exist, use the search to search for some nonsense, select the "No Image Found" option, and save the module.