Posting Job Listing

Jobs are posted here:

  1. Log into the UWSA OHRWD site:
  2. Upload the PDF for listing into the document collection. (See Upload or Update a Single Document/File.)
    1. Give the document a category of "Careers."
  3. Navigate to Content > Posts.
  4. Clone the newest post.
  5. Edit the post you cloned.
    1. Update the title of the post to match the working title of the position.
    2. Update the blurb in the post. Choose a descriptive paragraph from the job posting.
    3. Update the due date of the post.
    4. Update the link to the document.
    5. Update the category of the post to match the category of the job (Unclassified = Academic/ University / Temporary-Student / Executive ) This determines where the post is listed on the Current Jobs page.
    6. Preview the post to review.
    7. Publish the post.
  6. Confirm that the post is listed on the Current Jobs page.

Remove a Job Listing

  1. Navigate to the post via the Current Jobs page.
  2. Use the "Edit Post" button in the header to edit the post.
  3. In the publish box, click "Edit" next to the status and switch to "Draft." Click the "Update" button to save the changes.
  4. In the Documents Collection, delete the Job announcement document.