Editing the Homepage

Editing the Homepage

Most items on the homepage can be edited without the Web Team’s help. Find instructions for each section below.

Make an update to the homepage

  1. Log in and view the homepage.

  2. Use the "Rewrite and Republish" feature to make a copy of the current homepage.

  3. Make your updates. Preview the draft.

  4. Republish the draft. It will copy over and take the place of the current homepage.

Note: You can’t use the Rewrite and Republish functionality for staging updates to menus. Those changes go live immediately.

Homepage Sections

Mega Menu

Most of the mega menu can only be edited by the our Web Developers. Contact webteam@uwss.wisconsin.edu for help.

Mega Menu Identity Statement

The text that appears under the “What is UW System” menu item in the mega menu is controlled and set in the Mega Menu Identity Statement field in the Homepage Identity Statement section.

Social Links

The social links appear on the right of the page and in the footer.

Edit the social links by editing the homepage and then updating the social links metabox found under the “Publish” box.

Identity Statement

Edit the Identity Statement and choose a new picture by editing the homepage and updating the Homepage Identity Statement meta box found under the tile.


Edit the Alerts by editing the homepage and updating the Alerts meta box found under the tile.

Between 0 and 3 alerts may be specified. If no alerts are specified, a thin red bar will appear on the homepage.

Add and remove alerts with the small plug and minus buttons on the right side of the list of alerts.

Alerts will display in the order they appear in the editor. Alerts can be re-ordered by dragging and dropping the number on the left hand side of the editor.


Edit the Carousel by editing the homepage and updating the Homepage Carousel meta box found under the tile. Note that the blurb will not appear on the mobile view.

Between 2 and 5 slides may be specified.

Add, remove, and reorder slides the same way as Alerts above.

Image Selection and Position

At different screen sizes, the image is different aspect ratios, so all images added to the carousel need to look okay even if cropped from the sides or the top and bottom. The headline will appear over the bottom of the image. In general, you will have more success with images that are wider than they are tall.

To force a certain side to always be in view, use the Image Position fields. Selecting a side will force the cropping to happen only on the opposite side of the image. For example, to prevent heads from being cropped off the top of an image, select “Top” in the Vertical Image Position field. When cropped vertically, the image will only be cropped from the bottom so the heads will never be cut off.

Footer Logo

The logo in the first column of the footer needs to be edited by the web developers.

Footer Identity Statement

The text that appears under the logo is set in the Footer Identity Statement field in the Homepage Identity Statement section. This text is also used as the description that appears in Google search results.

Global Footer Menu

The Global Footer appears in the footer on all pages. To edit the menu, find it in the Menu Collection of the umbrella site. Editing the menu in the collection will update the menu across the site.

Homepage Third and Fourth Column Menus

The Third and Fourth column menus are unique to the homepage. To edit them, find them in the Menu Collection of the umbrella site. The title of the menu in the collection will appear as the tile of the menu in the footer.

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