
SiteImprove is a tool that we subscribe to to help us maintain our website. It gives us information for quality assurance, including broken links and misspellings, and analytics, including page views and referrers. It also provides help with SEO and accessibility.

Capabilities of Site Improve

Logging in to Site Improve

All authors and editors are automatically signed up for Site Improve, but anyone can have an account.To request an account, contact the web team.

Your username is your UWSA email, but the password is separate from email. If you don't remember your password, use the Forgot Password link, and submit your UWSA email address. You will be sent an email with a link to reset your password.

If you get a message that no user with that email address exists, contact the web team to get an account set up.

  1. Login to Site Improve at
  2. In the teal header, choose the section to view in the dropdown on the left.


Site: On Site Improve Quality Assurance, is broken into four "sites" - one for HR (all urls starting with, one for Transfer (all urls starting with, one for News (all urls starting with and one for everything else. In Site Improve Analytics, is the only site.

Group: Groups are subsets of sites. We have built groups for every community site. If you interested in the information about a specific community site in Site Improve, we can give access to that group. Groups in analytics are independent from groups in quality assurance.

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