Client Success

Client Success

The Client Successes showcase IBE's work with customers.

It is built with the Client Successes option in the left side menu.


The content is built with the block editor in the same way as pages. Add impact sections to your client success stories to hightlight statistics and testimonials.

Special Features


For each post, choose Programs and Services. These items are displayed under the name of the post. Visitors to the site can sort by Program to find stories they are interested in.

Add a link for each service by editing the service: On the left side menu, navigate to Client Successes > Success Services. Edit the service and specify a link.

Featured Image

This is displayed at the top of the post and on the post list.


Add a summary to grab the visitor. This is displayed at the top of the post and on the post list. The excerpt should not be more than 170 characters.

If no excerpt is set, it will default to the first sentence, but it will not display at the top of the page between the program and the featured image.

Client Success Information

Set the Client Name, City Name, and if the item is featured under Client Success Information.

The City is displayed under the name of the post. The Client Name is displayed in the page cover.

If the success is marked as featured, it will be displayed more prominently in the list of posts.

Featured Image Alignment sets the focus of the featured image to the top, middle or bottom of the image when it displays in the header or in the Impact Block.

Success Type

To sort your successes into multiple archive pages, use the Success Type taxonomy. Successes with a Type assigned will not display on the main Success page (url.org/client-successes/),  but will display on the Type archive (url.org/success_type/type-slug/).

Success Stories By Service

Add the link and description by editing the program taxonomy: On the left side menu, navigate to Client Successes > Success Services.

To add a sidebar with the links to the stories by program, use the following code in a Text Widget:

<aside class="topics-sidebar grey-border-bottom d-none d-md-block">
<h3>Stories By Service</h3>
<ul class="topics-list list-unstyled">
 	<li class="cat-item cat-item-19"><a href="https://sbdc.test/success_service/entrepreneurial-training-program/">Entrepreneurial Training Program</a></li>

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