Form Shortcode

Form Shortcode


gravityform displays a form on your page.

Required Attributes


the id of the form you wish to display

Optional Attributes


The name of the form you wish to display. I believe this is just for reference.


To enable Ajax, set this attribute to true (ex/ ajax="true"). By default, Ajax is not enabled. Submitting the form via AJAX allows the form to be submitted without requiring a page refresh.


To hide the title from the page, set this attribute to false. By default the title displays.


To hide the title from the page, set this attribute to false. By default, the description displays.

Usage / Examples

[gravityform id="1" name="My New Form"] (default output)

This displays form ID 1 on the page.

[gravityform id="3" name="Unpublished Form" title="false" description="false"]

This displays form ID 3, but hides the title and description.