Dropdown Shortcode

The Dropdown shortcode adds a dropdown of post archives to a page, like you would see on an post page.


This specifies which type of post to display. The options are: uwsa_news_post for news, post for blog posts, camups_story for For Wisconsin campus stories. 

You must include either a taxonomy, monthy or yearly attribute to specify what the dropdown will be.


Use this attribute to This specifies what the dropdown will dispay. For news stories, the only option is news-categories. For posts, the option is category. For campus stories, the options are topic and institution.  


Specify monthly="true" to have a monthly dropdown.


Specify yearly="true" to have a yearly dropdown.

[dropdown post_type="post" yearly="true"]

[dropdown post_type="post" monthly="true"]

[dropdown post_type="post" taxonomy="category"]

[dropdown post_type="uwsa_news_post" taxonomy="news-categories"]

[dropdown post_type="campus_story" taxonomy="topic"]

[dropdown post_type="campus_story" taxonomy="institution"]