RSS Feed Shortcode

RSS Feed Shortcode


Displays items from any valid RSS Feed.

Required Attributes


The URL of the RSS Feed. Must be a valid RSS URL.

Optional Attributes


The maximum number of items to display. 


Do not display a title for the feed


Do not display a description for the feed.


Display a custom title for the feed (rather than the one the feed provides).


Display a custom description for the feed (rather than the one the feed provides).

Usage / Examples

[uwsa_rss url="http://chronicle.com/section/News/6/rss"]
Display the News feed from The Chronicle of Higher Education. Displays the feed's title, description, and all items.

[uwsa_rss url="http://chronicle.com/section/News/6/rss" limit=10]
Same as above, but limit to a maximum of 10 news items.

[uwsa_rss url="http://chronicle.com/section/News/6/rss" notitle=1 nodesc=1] 
Show the feed without showing the Title or Description it provides.

[uwsa_rss url="http://chronicle.com/section/News/6/rss" title="Higher Ed News" description="News from the Chronicle of Higher Education"]
Display the feed with custom values for Title and Description.