Create a New Event

Create a New Event

Creating events in Zuse allows you to publicize events on your site and use features like an Event List to show upcoming events. Creating an event in Zuse will automatically create an event page with the details about the event. Like other content in Zuse, you can use Categories and Tags to organize events so people can find events they are interested in.

Create an Event

  1. Under Content, choose Events. You will see a list of all events. Near the title of the page, select the Add Event button to create an event. You can also click Add New under Events on the left side menu.
  2. Give your event a name. This will appear on the event page, and affect the URL or the event.
  3. Write a description for the event. The text editor is the same as the Classic Editor
  4. Fill out information about the event in the section titled The Events Calendar.
    1. Fill out the date and time of the event. If the event is not time-specific, check All Day Event. To make the event last more than one day, select an end date that is after a start date.
    2. Set up the location. Once you enter a venue in one time, you won't have to enter it again. If you have used a venue in the past, use the Use Saved Venue drop down to select the venue. Otherwise, enter the information about the venue; only the venue name is required. The venue will be automatically saved for use in future events. You can choose to turn off a Google Map image and link that are displayed by default on your event page. The Google Map will only display if you enter more than the location name - include the address to get a useful map.
    3. Set up the Event Organizer. Like location, organizers will be saved for re-use after you enter them the first time. If you include an email, replace the with "@" with a "." to avoid spammers.
    4. Specify a website and cost as appropriate. 
  5. If appropriate, you can specify an Excerpt. This will display on event lists. If you don't specify a manual excerpt, the first fifty words of your content will be used.
  6. In the Discussion box, you can turn off comments and trackbacks/ pingbacks. 
  7. In the Featured Image metabox, click the Set Featured Image link to choose an image to display for the event. It will display on the Event list page and allow you to add this event to an Image Carrousel.
  8. In the Event Options metabox, you can specify how the event displays on your event list pages. Choose the Hide From Event Listings option if you don't want the event to show up on your upcoming event list or calendar. Choose the Sticky in Calendar View to force the event to display in calendar view. If you have more than three events on one day, the first three (based on start time) will appear, you can override this behavior with this setting.
  9. Use the Tags and Event Categories meta-boxes to add tags or categories to the event. They can be use to filter events in an Event List and to search for events. If you use categories, related events will populate on the bottom of the Event pages with events with overlapping categories.
  10. You can specify a form as a registration form for the event in the Registration Form meta-box.
    1. The form must be created before it can be selected. See Create and Manage Forms.
    2. Designate a Registration Form Title to display above the form on the event page.
  11. In the Publish metabox, preview your event to view its page. Click the Publish button to publish your event to your site.